I Am The Ugliest Woman On Earth Poem by Phoenix1 Smith

I Am The Ugliest Woman On Earth

My heart is bleeding
while I was reading
what you wrote saying:
'you have not complimented
any woman like you did to her'

it was like almost feeling
a dagger pierced through
my already wounded heart
'twas time I was missing you
been wondering where you are..

then in aghast I saw you wrote
'a simple message it started,
your beautiful journey began
so glad you found each other'

unimaginable pain has struck
very essence of me in shock
when you said that you were
'so much in love with her'

it tormented me more as you said:
looking at her beautiful picture
'you see the most perfect
woman you have ever seen'

as I read your loving words to her,
I felt I'm the tiniest insignificant matter
that has ever walked on this planet
I sadly, sorrowfully felt that truly
I am the ugliest woman on earth..

you're so deeply in love to write
those beautiful verses for her
even you know I'll see them all
blinded by her charm and beauty
no qualms if you might hurt me..

her fake crystal eyes you've admired
while I have the TRUE brown eyes
still you never wrote anything about me
as you are 'so much in love' with her

by saying she's the most perfect woman,
you, have just made me feel that, I am
the tiniest, most insignificant creature,
worthless and ugliest woman on earth...

Thursday, April 20, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: pain
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