'I Am Water' Poem by Uzefa Rashida M.A

'I Am Water'

Rating: 4.7

Water so sweet and essential
is always so loving and humble
preaches us to lead a life simple
goes on and on even if it tumbles.

A drop of it you spill
never it stands still
moves on as far as it can
like life moves on till its span.

A drop of it falls just upon the bed
it's quick to move and all gets spread
just as a drop of knowledge makes an ocean
few water droplets create another mighty ocean.

Unimaginable is a life without water
just as a life without laughter
simple, natural, sharing and lifesaver is water
So should we be in our character.

'I Am Water'
Thursday, March 31, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: like,natural,need for human,water
Salman Sayeed 04 May 2016

Its vary beautiful poem. Thanks for sharing. while I read this water poem. I really happy. Because our business is a product of Reverse osmosis RO water purifer system. You have mention all those advantages of our water systems Thanks for your beautiful poem sharing. Keep on writting. For this I will rate as 10 ++++++++++

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Denis Mair 18 April 2016

When we think of water poetically, we can easily see human qualities in it. It accepts things and carries them along. It is a remarkable liquid that serves the processes of life. When water evaporates from the leaves of trees, more water is drawn through thin tubes in the bark; it comes all the way up from the roots, because of self-cohesion. When your heartbeat pushes the water of blood through capillaries, it offers no resistance because it has no viscosity. In other words, it has high self-cohesion but zero viscosity! (I cannot wrap my mind around this paradox.) Because of this paradoxical pair of properties, it is perfect a perfect liquid for being pulled and pushed through narrow tubes in living things! When water is a liquid, it is a good conductor of heat, so living things can keep themselves warm with their own bodily heat. When water is a solid (ice) , it is a good insulator, so ice forms on top of a lake in winter while the deeper water remains liquid. Many living things underwater are protected. When a protein is being formed, water slightly jiggles the amino acids until they are attracted to right spots on an the surface of an enzyme, so they can be lined up in chains. The impulse along a nerve fiber is a change in electric potential, which depends on the electrolytes diffused across a membrane in water. Water is inextricably bound up with life. There is so much wisdom in water that makes life possible. I am glad someone shares my special feeling for water.

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Aarifa Almas 18 April 2016

Beautiful poem.. A drop of it if you spill never it stands still, very thoughtful.. Enjoyed it.

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Anas Affan 03 April 2016

nice thought..........good lesson thank you for sharing

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Uzefa Rashida M.A

Uzefa Rashida M.A

Pernambut, Vellore District, Tamil nadu, India
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