Salman Sayeed

Salman Sayeed Poems

A mother is a star,
Who helps us grow
She teaches us vary far
To walk and go.


Against a starry night,
The moon looks so beautiful and white.
It gives us light in the night.

Dare to dream till the end
They are all yours and yours alone to attend
Work on them no, matter what people says
Shooting stars always find their way

Pearls are the best stones.
They are made in oysters in the oceans.
A pearl can be of any colour.
Without pearls, there wouldn't be any jewelry.

If you wish to see
See the greatness of Dr Abdul kalam
If you wish to hear
Hear the speech of Dr Abdul kalam

Among the season spring is my favourite
Unlike other seasons it is neither cold hot nor
Wet In spring I go to river near my house and
Spend some time there. The birds

In a starry sky
The moon look so beautiful and white
Gives us light in the night

If just one person shines
Other will fall in line

As we board the green house train


Rudeness ego greed
Let go it all and do a good deed

Give up everything bad

Friendship is not just a word
Not merely a relationship
It is a silence promice which says
I will be with you forever


India is full of mountains
And there many rivers and plains

It has a desert and it surround by seas

Observe the traffic and pollution
Where is it solution
I see in my own neighbourhood this sight
Its not a matter to be taken light


Green trees blue sea
Don't hurt our earth please
It gives us every thing as we need


Close your eyes.
Close your eyes and dream
You can be anyone
Anyone you dream

I love my mother.
More than my brother
She knows me in and out
She knows what is going on in my mind

This is our hostel life
We think its strict and full of routine
but staying without parents
is a great experience and fun


First of all a salute to them all
For protecting us and standing tall
Fighting giving victory calls
Bravo let them not fall

Oh wonderful nature
I wonder how you are so beautiful

With green trees

What can be as strong as this
What can be as powerful as this
Huge monster using its skill
Moving its iron muscles at our will

The Best Poem Of Salman Sayeed

Love You, Mom

A mother is a star,
Who helps us grow
She teaches us vary far
To walk and go.

Yes, we do have fights,
Which is a little sad
Yet, mother try
To make us glad.

The love of a mother,
Can't be counted
From a childs birth
A mother is bonded.

My mother is polite,
And always in a good mood
She is always right
And cooks us good food.

A mothers job,
Keep her busy
Don't we ever think
That she get dizzy?

So let's help them out,
And not make them tired
Don't make them runout
As if they are hired.

Love you mom

Salman Sayeed Comments

Md Anisur Rahman 05 May 2016

I like your all poems.Your poems includes love heart.

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Rajnish Manga 25 March 2016

I have read some of the poems written by the young poet Salman and feel mesmerised by the choice of his subjects, language employed and the poetic beauty extracted through his brilliant and honest effort. I wish him great success in his future endeavours.

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Uzefa Rashida M.a 05 March 2016

Dear Salman... You have a bright future. I liked the way you consistently try till you succeed. I am very happy to see you having so many of your poems on poemhunter. Wish you Great success and May you become the greatest poet. all your poems are innocent and full of love. May Allah Grant all your wishes true. Aameen

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