I Can Only Live In Hope Poem by Francis Duggan

I Can Only Live In Hope

We are at the point in history where might gives right to rule
And those with power as we well know have always been so cruel
And who should have or not have nuclear weapons not for the powerful to decide
As all such weapons ought to be banned, dismantled and destroyed.

Many of those who profess to uphold human rights believe in their own lies
As their loathing of other races they barely can disguise,
I do hate this mentality of 'we are superior to you'
Egalitarians are becoming rare and sad to say too few.

And I can only live in hope that I live to see the day
That we come to realize when our Government are leading us astray
And about our so called enemies we have the grace to say
These people are as good as us and they too deserve fair play.

I hate it when I hear people say their lives not worthy as ours
As if their souls were full of weeds and ours were full of flowers
I don't like the World as it is and I would rather live away
From this racism, greed and selfishness that cause social decay.

And though we've never had more highly educated people those with Uni degrees
Does that make us any better I pray come tell me please?
For what we still do unto others unto our own selves we do
And those words were always relevant and those words as ever true.

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