I Can't Be What I'm Not Poem by Ray Hansell

I Can't Be What I'm Not

People say I'm to detrognary
Again it's the same old story
I just express the way I feel
BUt people don't like it when you're real
They want things sugar coated
Because they need their egos bolated
They want to hear politicial correctness
Because they don't like directness
They see the world through rose colored glasses
That's what they want for the masses
They don't want you to thihnk for yourself
They want you to listen and believe someone else
But you see, that's not me
That's something I can't be
I won't agree just to agree
I think for myself can't you see
You should know I do not care
Your way of thinking I do not share
I don't need to be praised
That's not the way I was raised
When someone is wrong they should be told
It doesn't mean you're looking to scold
When you're wrong, you are wrong
Except criticizesim just be strong
No one is right all of the time
Believe me when I say that's fine
No one can ever know it all
That's why people saometimes fall
Remember we all own our own point of view
This also includes you
So always think for yourself
Don't be like a book on a shelf
Just sitting there filled with words
That are never ever heard
It's nice to have your own point of view
Don't let others think or talk for you


Sunday, September 27, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: living
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