I Come To You Life Poem by Barnali Saha

I Come To You Life

I come to you life

What you are oh! Life sometimes I know not,
At times you look vivacious, at times thou art a barren land,
Echoing through the gallows of death, life
You are but a blissful tale of strife.
You are the starry night sky,
I look at you with a solemn sigh.
The surrounding solitary island,
is a land newly found; by me,
Who is but a sailor in quest of life's grail,
So holy a journey it is, yet, so frail.
I walk down your unknown path,
with the polestar above me.
Bewitched in your magical maze,
lost in the labyrinth I carry on my chase.
The infidels world stares at me,
bedazzles me with its flashy ostentations.
Yet, I turn to thee oh! Life,
To know what thou art?
To begin my story from end to the start.
The sky above me now grows pale,
the sun now sets and the wind is stale.
Thou benign gray monster-what art thou a tornado or a twister?
A joyful day or a jewel of great price?
What thou art I must know.
So I stead on with not a friend nor a foe beside me.
Oh! Life you look at me with a smile,
Wait up oh! My life here I come.
Barnali Saha
16th Sept 2008, Nashville, TN

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