I Deserve This Poem by Chris Tiganescu

I Deserve This

let the knife take its
blood, i hurt what is dear
to me, i deserve pain,
i love this girl, a knife
to my heart when i hurt her,
would it really be so bad,
if i blindly walk out in
the street,3 tons of metal
shatter my bones to dust,
that wouldnt be so bad, not
enough for death, but enough
to inflict pain, yet no
comparsin to the pain in
my chest i feel for hurting her.

I feel somewhat forgten,
im not worth her time, a quick
hello, then a goodbye. with weary
eyes i lay awake, waiting,
wondering, worrying, my sarcastic
tones and anger, all due
to a lack of sleep, try i may
i lay awake, dephrived of sleep
leaving me with a bit of temper.

No crime id i hurt, the sores
of beaten body is what i deserve,
cant breathe, this heavy feeling
in my chest, straining my lungs, i
hurt her, let these sheets be
painted ruby red for the pain ive
inflicted on her.

I apologize for what i have done to you,
i am a fool for hurting you, i love you to
much to let this go, i deserve whatever pain
i get.

Chris Tiganescu

Chris Tiganescu

Portland, Oregon
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