I Envy William Blake Poem by Nassy Fesharaki

I Envy William Blake

I Envy William Blake

For years I thought I knew him
-now I know I do not know him
-so I need you God
-if you have ever been
-if you are
-if you will be ever be

Long ago
-in my heart
-and in my mind
-I built a small hut
-for you to come and we
-would possibly
-away from the eyes and minds
-of the religious, and the atheist
-have a heart to heart talk

They stole you from me
-damn them all
-the one who claim to have you
-and those who fight you
-so now I spend time
-stupid and dumb
-to know them
-not you who came to me in a rose
-not you who appeared in the exhale of a horse
-not you who lived in the virginity of snow
-are you lost or hiding in the remaining years
-of my life
-while shine the bastards and the liars
-those who are the bearers and the dealers
-of pretension as your guardians
-preservers of your name

And they make laws
-and they change laws dancing with the drum
-and they are parents to pretension as is the greedy
-who buys an old residence
-brings in bricks and tiles and cement
-as if truly renovates
-while it is to fool the buyers, accumulating wealth

Monday, April 10, 2017
Topic(s) of this poem: yearning
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