I Have Seen And Angels Work On Earth Poem by Kolawole Emmanuel

I Have Seen And Angels Work On Earth

African woman

Poem 1

I have seen an angel walk on earth
I have seen a woman with a brave heart
Her ebony skin glows with honour and pride
Her words give hope of turning the tide.

She is the true definition of beauty
A gem so elegant in her glory
Her radiance is far more than the gleaming stars
In fact, her colour casts shadow on the stars.

Abeke, the sacred jewel of Africa
The priceless princess of mother Africa
A maiden with unblemished character
A belle of beauty to anyone who beholds her.

Her care is lightened by the sun of her eyes
Her love makes shattered battered souls to rise
And like an eagle's flash, her beauty strikes the hearts.
Her sonorous voice, a lyric to tame wild hearts.

A maiden so virtuous like her mother Ayanfe
She is the song of the birds at dawn
And blessed be the day she was born.

Poem 2

Naked woman, black woman;
The night is too dark to compare your skin
Clothed with the colour of life
But you are beautiful than the night

The sun is too shine to compare your teeth
A paradise of promising smile;
The glory of the star and moon fall under your feet
Yet; you shine more than the sun

There is more to the color of rainbow
Naked woman, black woman
Like the pinions of dove cover with silver
I sing of your beauty
Pitch-dark like tom-tom but radiant like the sky

How on earth can I forget thee
Oh! black woman?
For In your shadow have I grown up...

©Ju wan
Published by Kolawole Emmanuel

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