I Hope, I Pray Poem by Keisha Petrus

I Hope, I Pray

Inspired by the works of Mattie J. T. Stepanek.

Dedicated to all Malaysians.

I hope that someday

we can sit around the table for brunch

with our minds and spirits as one family.

I pray that someday

we will learn to realize

that despite our differences, we all descended from THE One.

I hope that someday

schoolchildren will embrace individuality

so that we may strive as a nation of unique solidarity.

I pray that someday

all children will realize

that respect and acceptance are keys to unlock the door to compassion and understanding.

I hope that someday

our citizens may open their hearts

to help the poor, the aging, the disabled.

I pray that someday

our citizens will realize

that magnanimity and selflessness to a worthy cause bring about true contentment.

I hope that someday

institutions which mold our minds will consider

education for all that deserve, so not to abide by some faulty criteria

I pray that someday

those in powerful positions will realize

that education is a token to be earned, so don’t treat it as if it be a frugal expenditure.

I hope that someday

our leaders will join hand in hand

to abolish unjust laws, so to guide us to the rhythm of the marching band.

I pray that someday

Our leaders will realize

that we need them to be our examples; to emulate honesty, diligence and temperance.

I hope that someday

Our people will understand

Yes! we have many religions but we are bound in one body; it is our spirituality

I pray that someday

our people will realize

that we must stand up together as one, as our Creator desired us to be connected as such.

I hope and I pray now

that today will be the day of progression

For it is the choices that we make in our hearts and in our attitudes

to build one humanity and one world.

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