I Keep On Dying Again.... Poem by Eva Clara Harahap

I Keep On Dying Again....

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I keep on dying again...
Heads' spinning like carrousels..
Hands' aching from the coldness...
Hearts' beating from all the worry...
Souls' hurting from all the agony...

I keep on dying again...
They asked me to stop...
As a grave yard will be my reward...
For all the wasted years backward...
That I spend to care for dying worms...

The darkness, the coldness...
The sadness, the tears...
The unwanted advice, the unforgiven message...
That i care to deliver..
Up to the highest mountains...
Down to the lowest valley...
They seemed to laugh at me...
For them, I am the weed amongst their roses...

Still, it does not convince me...
Still, it is not enlighten me...
Still, I choose to be dying again...
Inside my head, all alone with all the mysery...
Thats life keeps as a mystery...

I keep on dying again...
For cursing the darkness...
In the life of people I love...
And in the life of total stranger..

Tell me, How can I choose to look the other way...
For I can not dull my eyes anyway....
They said, Heaven is still so far away...
So keep your worry away....

I keep on dying again and again...
Because I love to care...
Becasue I love to love...
Most of all, because I love to live...

Though for some of them...
I am nothing but a dying worm...
Who shed my tears for all the sad stories..
That the eyes of my heart refuse to ignore.....
No matter how hard i try not to care....


I can relate myself with this poem.

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