I Love You, But This Is Goodbye Poem by Collette Y Anderson Williams

I Love You, But This Is Goodbye

My Darling, my heart have I devoted to you - and only you
And I'd do it all over again

But you keep saying goodbye
Still, you refuse to let me go
for you've been holding on to me only for selfish reasons

My heart struggles to accept that it is time for me to go
because your love for me died, a long time ago
Then again, perhaps it was nothing but infatuation

Still, each time you docked at my heart, letting me in,
your next predictable response was to withhold your love

And that, my Darling, kept taking a piece of me -
That delicate part of me you have rejected
Causing my heart to bleed perpetually

So now, I must release my heart's anchor from your port
Before the seas rage more tempestuous

It's been a beautiful storm, my Darling
And I'd do it again and again with you
I'd choose you

But I must now set my heart to sail
And not merely to drift in some other uncharted waters

Sadly, I must convince my heart to leave you, to unlove you
To find a safe place to moor my heart
So it will be open to stubbornly love again
And more so, to be free to be loved

So my Darling,
although it wrecks my heart to say this,
I love you, but this is goodbye.

I Love You, But This Is Goodbye
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