I'M Not Hiding Anymore Poem by Heart of Ice Die Die Die

I'M Not Hiding Anymore

Rating: 4.0

I'm sick of hiding who I am
what I am.
in these few words, I will explain it to you.
I am an emo.
Call me a flake if you want,
but I don't cut for the reputation.
The scars on my hands prove it.
I smoke.
I'm also clinically depressed.
You know when I won't talk
and my hair is in my face?
That's because I'm on the verge of tears.
Are you surprised yet?
Just wait, I'm not finished.
You know the times when your mean
criticize or judge?
They really send me off the edge when no one is looking.
You know all those dark sayings I have?
They're all true.
Written with personel expierence.
You know all those emo drawings?
They describe me.
They ARE me.
And when my eyes are a brighter blue?
I was just crying.
When I come to school with the dark bags under my eyes?
It's because all the pain you caused me.
Do you remember the times when you see
the cat scratches on my arms?
I got news for ya,
those aren't scratch marks.
Those days I come to school
with the black bags under my eyes
and paler skin than usual?
It's because I can't sleep at night.
When I ask everyone for a hug?
I really need one.
When I smell like flowers?
I was just smoking.
Have you ever noticed I know alot about suicides?
It's because I've considered it.
Bet ya didn't know that,
did you?

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