I Need Christ Poem by Luke Strock

I Need Christ

I need Christ, the Light
without him I fall into darkness
I walk blindly
without direction
my feet are prone to destruction
and I have no light for others

I need Christ, the Hope
without him, I despair
it creeps up slowly
my life loses meaning
I hate myself
and can't understand other's joy
I've nothing to share
no gospel to proclaim
I keep silent, why would I
encourage someone else
to the same 'folly' of belief?

I need Christ, the Victor
without him I am lost to my self
all I can see is my own troubles
I dare myself to follies
I practice them in my mind
for when the opportunity arises
I'm conquered by the world
by its interests, by its concerns, by its understanding

I need Christ, the Glorious One
without him, I worship others
I try to lift myself up in others eyes
I burn with envy
I compare my own appearances and skills
setting others higher and lower
I despise the godly and the humble
rejecting their example

I need Christ, who Loves
for I love so poorly without him
hating even myself
overwhelmed by feelings of worthlessness
distant from others
losing the very meaning of love
i am empty, a futile shell

blown like chaff

Prince Obed de la Cruz 14 January 2010

this is worth reading and sharing... try to share this with poets here

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