I Remember: (Childhood Days) Poem by DM W

I Remember: (Childhood Days)

Rating: 5.0

I remember the flowing, milky daylight
Of childhood dreaming. I recall warm, fresh hours when time
Was a friend that allowed me to play and be;
Among wide, vivid streets and gardens and fields.
O I recall the profuse coming of Spring:
So resplendent in all her verdant blessings.
I remember whirling colours and visions,
And the myriad wonders of creation.
I recall the faithful light that never failed,
Before innocence died and the darkness came.

Sunday, May 17, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: childhood

The celestial light we see in our childhood in all creations of God may not be able to se when we grow up. Emotionally portrayed. " I recall the faithful light that never failed, Before innocence died and the darkness came" "

1 0 Reply
Dominic Windram 18 May 2020

Thanks for your thoughtful comments Parameswaran...much appreciated!

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Shaun Cronick 17 May 2020

Superb Dominic! Brilliantly delivered with great imagery woven throughout. You bring back those halcyon days with your very fine poem. 10++ and added to my looking back memories locker. Thank you Dominic and stay blessed.

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Dominic Windram 17 May 2020

Thanks Shaun....I hope you are keeping well.

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