I Should Be Asleep Poem by Half Past

I Should Be Asleep

i really should be sleeping right now..
instead i am in my pajamas
sitting in an old lawn chair on the front lawn
it's 4: 42 in the morning
a cheap beer in one hand
a cigarette in the other
my rickety chair is slowly sinking into the soft earth
my eyes are closed as i lean gently back
i couldn't resist the opportunity for this moment
the rain has finally finished it's onslaught
all is calm
i just couldn't lay my head down to sleep
i knew if i didn't come out and enjoy it just for a minute
that later i would regret it
such a soothing sweet smell after the rain
so clean and vibrant
i inhale deeply
in the distance i hear a car
sloshing down the damp pavement
too early for the birds..too late for people
just the wind and i
the sky is overcast
the trees have lost their foliage
a stray cat is circling the bottom of my chair
anxiously awaiting me to pet her
i take a sip..and a drag
i lean forward and pet her fluffy coat
just enjoying the pure effortless beauty of the moment
moments like these make everyday worth waking up for
the calm after the storm
the cleansing showers
and the sweet smell of wet earth and pine
i will sleep well with this on my mind

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