I Sing A Good Song Poem by Noah Body

I Sing A Good Song

I sing a good song
Don't get me wrong

But when it comes down to it
I find that I'm just not fit

To give anyone wise words
That's just for the birds

How can I counsel to you
When I'm lost there too

Think not of death I cried
All the while inside me died

Get some air I said
While laying in my bed

You are worth it I crowed
While convinced I'm a load

I counseled you be strong
While knowing I was wrong

Strength is not for such as us
We don't have tickets for that bus

Life's God's gift to us I said
Always knowing where it led

To a lock it does lead
To an unwanted life indeed

You are unique I stated
While life inside me waited

For the death that comes for sure
That will make everything so pure

I'ts not your fault I told you
And all the while I blame me too

I fear I've led you astray
It just won't ever go away

Death is the only sure escape
Superman I'm not, I have no cape

I'm just a man who thought he knew
But now I'm ready to join you too

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