I Walked A Path, And Faded Into It Poem by Chuy Amante

I Walked A Path, And Faded Into It

I walk a path
with no feet
in fact there is no trail.

Lonely some ask?
I knew a broader ass-fault Highway
until seeing how low it was.

Eye spotted a distant gate
peculiar, it was so narrow.

I had to shed my backpack
of beliefs, drop all my clothes
even lose a pound or two of flesh,
but I was drawn there and pulled
in by unseen love.

Once inside
oddly I went blind and only could
follow my gut.

No maps, no worn out path to follow.
I followed feel, fragrance and
a subtle pull as if magnetic.

The further I ventured
the more beauteous it became,
we became,
for I faded into the scenery
and became part of its holy essence.
Hard to fathom, I was it, it was me

There was no clock
it IS Eternity
and it IS NOW

Wednesday, July 16, 2014
Topic(s) of this poem: love
F J Thomas 22 July 2014

Quite the deep emotion you lay out here; somehow it was blatant in its 'figurativeness'. Very nice Luv

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* Sunprincess * 16 July 2014

.............a beautiful and imaginative poem...at first I thought this was your dream from last night...

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Chuy Amante

Chuy Amante

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