I Want A Love Poem by Emily Lower

I Want A Love

I don't want a love that is conditional
I don't want a love that is temporary
I want a love that squeezes my hand and looks me in the eye and assures me that everything will fall into place, no matter how terrible the world around me seems
I want a love that brings the purest form of joy into my life and signs a binding contract that guarantees it will never vacate me of that joy
I want to be so madly in love that when love speaks or touches my shoulder or kisses my lips I will melt like the wicked witch of the west
But instead of melting from an act of hatred, it will be from the most powerful form of intimacy that our species can offer us
I want a love that fades out all past affairs and heartbreaks and leaves me with no thoughts of any future loves
It will leave me with only the love of one
The one who can carry me throughout the entirety of life, proving to me that it is worth living
I want a love that improves my person
That pushes my humanism to it's absolute greatest capacity of achievement
I want a love that is kind and understanding of the struggles I will deal with because, let's face it, I can not be anyone's dream all of the time
I don't want a love that is perfect, but one that can prove to me that even through imperfection, it is unwavering
I want a love that can show me love's true function on this planet
One that can help me to understand why, as people, we must feel, and how magical those feelings can be
I want a love that makes everything fall into place and finally make sense

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