I Will Starve You, Mind Poem by Mihaela Pirjol

I Will Starve You, Mind

Rating: 5.0

I will starve you, Mind, from chaotic thoughts
Until you're cleansed crystal-clear, and purified;
And from my Heart shall spring my words,
Where there's no confusion, doubt un-clarified.

A self-confused antagonist is your neuronal web,
Too wide and wild you correlate associations:
Your blindness, sufferance to Heart it brings,
When Love's irrational in your connections.

Wednesday, October 14, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: feelings,heart,mind,thoughts
Terry Craddock 19 November 2015

Kaleidoscopic: Verse Matrix Possibilities to write to write enigma an absolutely beautiful abstract poem an entire poem which thrills entices with so many points signaling vortex departures where thoughts fleet flight into wondrous cognitive feelings imaginings where words so often rare jewels sparkle eat awareness thoughts become fantasies lost in webs time space cosmos dimensions stretching realities concise perceptions so sad so few have yet discovered such beauty in kaleidoscopic verse matrix possibilities Copyright © Terence George Craddock Inspired by the poem 'I Will Starve You Mind' by Mihaela Pirjol. Dedicated to the poet Mihaela Pirjol.

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Terry Craddock 18 November 2015

'I will starve you Mind from chaotic thoughts Until you’re cleansed crystal-clear, and purified; And from my Heart shall spring my words, Where there’s no confusion, doubt un-clarified. A self-confused antagonist is your neuronic web, Too wide and wild you correlate associations; ...' again absolutely beautiful, the entire poem thrills entices, so many points of departure, where thoughts fleet flight into wondrous thoughts feelings; your words so often rare jewels sparkle, so sad so few have yet discovered such beauty in your verse

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