If I Could Be Poem by Melody Love

If I Could Be

If I could be someone I’m not, I don’t think I would.
If I could be popular,
I think it would be invigorating.
The buzz of friends and people who wished
My clique would accept them.
The sound of compliments not completely heard.
Introductions to people I would never remember.
That I wouldn’t acknowledge even if I did.
People that I couldn’t care less about.
The intoxicating buzz of attention and fame.

Now that I’ve thought…
If I could be popular,
I don’t think I would.
Because I am proud to be the girl who
STANDS OUT in a crowd.
The one who doesn’t care about what they think.

I’m just here to be myself,
And mingle,
And have fun.
And to rock on.

If I could be a boy,
(Preferably a Jock) ,
I think it would be the best thing in the World.

To be a boy means
To be away from all the rude comments on
My hair,
My weight,
My style,
My crushes,
My past,
My likes,
My looks,
My music,
My personality,
My friends,
My hobbies,
My voice,
My writing

The list of degrading comments could go on forever.
But if I were a boy

I could wear as much baggy clothes as I want.
I wouldn’t be judged for getting pumped up at the thought of sports.
Because when you’re a boy
I don’t think people give a *________.
Because that’s what boys do.

They box,
Play football,
Water polo,
And no one would care.

Sometimes it seems that boys are allowed to love sports,
But sometimes, it seems that girls aren’t.
But I wouldn’t be “allowed”,
If I was a boy,
To do the girly stuff I love.
I couldn’t shop,
Or have sleepovers,
Or play Truth Or Dare,
Or buy dresses I wouldn’t never get to wear,
Or do mani-pedis,
Or have makeovers,
Or plan tickle fight battles,
Or pillow fight wars.

So I guess being a boy isn’t as much fun as I thought it might be.

I’m proud to be a girl.
Proud to wear my pretty dresses,
Flip my lovely long hair,
Show off my mani-pedi,
And giggle about cute actors and sports stars.
I will shout from the rooftops my independence and pride!
For I am a Woman! Hear me Roar!

So I suppose the best thing to do is be yourself.
And to love how yourself is the best,
Most beautiful,
Talented self in the world.
(At least to you!)
And, honestly, that’s all that really matters.

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