If I Told You, What Would You Say? Poem by jess jayne

If I Told You, What Would You Say?

Rating: 5.0

If I told you, I've gone back to my old days,
What would you say, would you pretend it wasn't there.

If I told you, I've tried again,
How would you act, what would you say,
Because i'm hiding again, all of my truths,
All of my lies have come out to play.

If I told you, I want to run away,
Would you stop me, what would you say,
Cause I only want to run for a while and,
Come back witin two hours.

If I told you, i'm really unhappy,
What would you say, what would you do,
Because it's making me want to end my life,
And go back to the old day.

If I told you, I wasn't eating,
How would you react, what would you say,
Because I have one meal a day,
That's if I want too,
Because most of the time I hide away.

If I told you, I haven't really chnaged,
And i'm going back to my old days,
What would you say?

(9th june 2011)

Mohammad Akmal Nazir 04 July 2011

Nice poem written with great skill and wisdom. The poem is rich in imagery. Well done. I rate it 10. Please read and rate my poem 'Abortion' on page 4. Warmest regards Akmal

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