If My Man Were From Mars Poem by Adrienne Clark Strachn

If My Man Were From Mars

If my man were from Mars
Their would be the same sparkle in his eyes
just like the first time we met.
when he touched me, held me, kissed me
we would melt in each others arms
like the first time we met
Perhaps when I walked in the door,
he would greet me with pink roses
He always remembered my favorite roses.
If he were from Mars
he would ask 'how was your day, 'beautiful'
would you like to unwind for awhile,
before you start in the kitchen,
he would share in the household duties
he would want me to be relaxed for him.
i would smell lavender and other oils in the bathroom
from the water in the he ran for me
A glass of herbal tea, perhaps a glass of wine
'A good woman deserves to be pampered'
those were his exact words.
If my man were from Mars
he would listen to my words, like branches
on a learning tree, devouring each word.
telling me to slow down he has all night to listen to me,
reading books by Omar Tyree, Carl Weber, and
Eric Jerome Dickey
he would keep those books right by our bed
knowing what to read so he can keep his woman happy.
My man would listen to Jill Scott, Floetry, India Irie,
alittle jazz here and there..
songs that caress the soul
finding true meaning of what good conversation and melodies
heals the soul
If my man were from Mars
he would be strong, and determined
A man with a spiritual side
a prayful man, who worships his creator.
a man who likes to watch Emeril on the food channel
who'll cook creative dinners for his me
savour each bite, sometimes we'll go out to eat,
it doesn't matter,
our food is always good, when we are together
we do our our screenplay of eating and toasting
My man from mars,
always understanding me,
The woman side of me,
the Venus side of me
the hormonal side of me
the mood swings
the stressful side of me
just plain undertstanding me
But in reality,
my man is not from Mars,
he is from planet Earth
Can he ever truly understand
everything, everyday about me?
It's o.k. 'I lOVE HIM'
just the way he is,
The Man from the planet Earth

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