If You Knew Poem by Adams Elizabeth Oyarese

If You Knew

If you knew it would be the last time
To see your loved ones sleep
Will you not tuck them tightly
And pray their soul to keep?

If you knew it would be the last time
To see them walk through the door
Will you not give them akiss
And call them back for more?

If you knew it would be the last time
You would hear their voice in praise
Will you not record every line
And play them back in days?

If you knew it would be the last time
For them to say 'i love you'
Would you think of a better time
To say you also do?

If you knew it would be the last time
You both have to share a day
Will you not plead eternal sunshine
So that day won't slip away?

If you knew it would be the last time
For you to kiss so long
Would you say there would be another
To make up for that wrong?

Though there would be many chances
But if this is all you get
Will you not love like you are in a trance
And hope they won't forget?

Tomorrow is not certain
To young and old alike
Today may be the last day
You get to share a hike

Why should you leave for tomorrow
What you can do right now?
So, if tomorrow never comes
You will not say a wasted vow

Just go that extra mile
It may be their last wish
Give them a kiss or smile
Do not wait until you are rich

Hold your loved ones tight
Hold them very close
Tell them your dreams at night
Give then even a rose

Take special time to say
'I love you', 'thank you' or 'do not worry'
So if tomorrow never stays
You will not feel so sorry

Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: care,love,regret,time,value
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