Under The Sun Poem by Adams Elizabeth Oyarese

Under The Sun

Rating: 5.0

What is my sin never done before? what is my sin that won't be done some more
is it adultery, theft or murder
Hasn't it been done in Sodom and Gomorrah
It would still be done even by my son
Nothing is new under the Sun

What is my pain never felt before
What is my pain that won't be felt once more
Is it heartbreak, disappointment or death
Hasn't it once been felt upon the earth
It would still be felt even by my son
For nothing is new under the sun

What is true beauty never seen before
What is true beauty that has not yet been born
Is it a fair beautiful and noble woman
Hasn't she been seen since the time of Sarah
She would still be seen even by my son
Nothing is new under the sun

What is strong drink never drunk before
What is strong drink that cannot turn sour
Is it dry gin, vodka or fine wine
Hasn't it been drunk since Jesus Christ own time
It would still be drunk even by my son
Nothing is new under the sun

What is a woman's body never touched before
What is a woman's flesh that haven't felt a tour
Is it her luscious chest, tender lips or bushy treasures
Haven't men visited in strokes of countless pleasures
It would still be touched even by my son
Nothing is new under the sun

What are known as riches never owned before
What are riches not owned by Solomon
Is it golden castles, diamonds or bounty wealth
Hasn't it been owned before upon this earth
It would still be owned even by my son
Nothing is new under the son

What is true love never known before
what is true love that haven't proved pure
Is it the loving feeling that sometimes make you think
Hasn't it been known even before the Titanic
It would still be known even by my son
Nothing is new under the sun

Who are earthly beings never owned before
Who are earthly beings proven to be so sure
Are they your family, lovers or dear friends
Hasn't it been here and yet the ties still end
They would still be owned even by my son
For nothing is new under the sun

Chinedu Dike 28 May 2018

I love the rhyme and refrain of the poem. Well conceived and elegantly brought forth with clarity of thought and mind. A lovely creation penned in persuasive poetic expressions with artistic brilliance. Thanks for sharing Oyarese.

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Jazib Kamalvi 10 March 2018

A good start with a nice poem, Adams E. O. You may like to read my poem, Love And Iust. Thank you.

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thank you... I will try to

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