Ignited Dreams Poem by Laquory Jones

Ignited Dreams

So many nights I would sit and dream
That I could do anything
They say set your heart on something
Then you will achieve
All you have to do is believe

But success was just out of reach for me
But I'll live with the pain of that tragedy
For all eternity so many things I've kept
Buried deep within my sleeves
No doubt its taken its toll
Through the blistering snow
The heart festers and grows

No matter how hard I try not to let it show
So many times I've been kicked out in the cold
To deal with those quartz calcite minerals on my own
I found myself chilled to the bone
So many times I've slipped through the cracks
I'm just stating to you some blatant facts

As I find myself going down this list
Slowly clenching my fists
Knowing I haven't yet come to grips
With all of this Life's full of gambles
Perhaps I've used up all my chips
What does it mean to be fully equipped
When your feelings are being shipped

Causing instant rifts as you slowly jump
Off that cliff thinking you will get that lift
But it's one thing you'll never get
As the earth beneath your feet
Trembles and you feel that cosmic shift
Wait I'm feeling nauseous a bit
Throwing out that caution skit
Isn't this how it always was we begin to
Throw caution to the wind and if we didn't

Succeed we started it up again coating
A thicker skin because we were always taught
That only winners win ignited a spark indeed I did
Using only the forces of a pen
A poet of magnetic force and fascination
Cementing my name through cementation
As I become one with the nations


Sunday, July 15, 2018
Topic(s) of this poem: inspirational,life,visionary
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