Im Done Poem by iron panda 23

Im Done

What have i gotten myself into
everything is causin me stress
i hate it when im being pressured
my thoughts arent even calm
i need peace & rest
maybe it'd be best if
i just had no contact

This is getting out of hand
& now im getting worried
my happiness was here
but for a short while
it seems to be coming to an end
id better brace myself
for whats about to come
eventually ill get through it
itll be hard to move on

I shouldve just kept my thoughts
to myself
look at what happens when i
finally let them go
some wonder why i dont express myself
well you know

Im getting tired of everything
its driving me insane
maybe when i come back
ill let you know
appearently no one understands
when i try to explain
whats going on in my brain

Right now i just need some space
my space...just time...
if youre not gonna try n help me
then go away....
just leave me alone & dont waste my time
ive got enough to deal with
so stop wasting my time
if you dont really care
then keep your distance until further notice
because im done

For those of you who are just plain annoying
theres always busy traffic to play in
your constant idiocity
is just making my depression worse


iron panda 23

iron panda 23

a land of unknown
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