Imagine Poem by Jessica Robert


Rating: 2.9

Imagine a place
Where everything is calm and clear
Decisions between wrong and right are simple
And you`d never have a second thought
Imagine a place
Where everyone belongs with someone
A soul mate for a soul mate
Everyone is happy
Forget the heartache
Forget the pain
Breathe deeply in love
And never exhale
There would never be a moment of doubt
But this isn`t a fairy tale
This is real life
There is heartache and pain
And not everything is clear
People make mistakes
People make good choices
But in the end
There will always be something wrong
And maybe you`ll forget it
Maybe you won`t
There`s not always a soul mate
Not always someone to love
But it`s always nice
To imagine
Because you`re never too old
To create a block in your mind
And shut out reality
So, take a deep breath
And close your eyes
Imagine a place
Where their are happily ever afters
And dreams that can come true

Obinna Eruchie 04 November 2009

Imagine the spring still and serene, imagine a fairy fair and fabulous, imagine the heart happy and huge, imagine the love light and live, imagine the angel airy and awing. Imagine the wonders we watch, the marvels we make. It is lovely to imagine beautiful things.

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The Dreamer 05 July 2009

Where everyone belongs with someone A soul mate for a soul mate Love this If dreams are wishes - then wishes are dreams how real are these as real as we want them to be Nice read Jessica

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Mona Martinez 01 July 2009

wow. so beautiful. i loved every part of it. well written.

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