Improvement Poem by Daya Nandan


You really have no idea who you are until you've lost.
When your flaming soul has been turned to frost,
Taking a loss may not be the simplest thing to do,
But knowing you lost, you must accept that outcome so true,

but knowing you have failed brings upon a challenge greater than any other.
A new approach to succeed comes to mind, its time for another,
Another try, another attempt, another method to make you succeed,
You can never lose until you quit, do what you must, do what you need,

We often set out to compete with others, and compare ourselves to others
Like competing rivals, a rivalry of strong, tough and brave brothers,
Bu that we truly just need is to defeat ourselves instead of defeating the rest
Until you've conquered yourself you cannot be the best.

You must be willing to destroy to rebuild yourself from the ashes of your mistakes,
Realizing that we must surpass and better ourselves no matter what it takes,
The biggest room in the world is the room of self improvement, ,
Become stronger in all areas of life, improve to be stronger after each moment,

Take on a new challenge, let your mistakes be your teacher,
All of life is trial and error, Learning from mistakes will make you better,
Get better from failure and do not let failure get the better of you.
Fight through all the hardship, find the power of strength that is true,

You must realize that life will beat you up, and you will not succeed at times
But it is all part of life’s poetry, you must understand it’s rhythm and rhymes
You must stand up and rebound from these mistakes to bring out who you really are,
Unleash your true hidden potential and illuminate the sky like a shining star,

It is up to you to decide whether you're going to stay buried at the bottom of the lake,
Or will you swim your way out and become the better man you wish to make?
Will you climb yourself to the top knowing you will have to sacrifice more than just time?
Will you be willing to fall down again and again to make it all good and fine?

You'll be sacrificing your body and pushing it past its limits, past it’s threshold
Pushing yourself far beyond in attempt to make your strength go tenfold,
Pushing your mind to stay focused. It is up to you and how you want to live life
Stand up to the challenges of life, do not ever let failure stab you with a knife,

Sunday, September 13, 2015
Topic(s) of this poem: lifestyle
Error Success