In Karma The Price We Must Pay Poem by Francis Duggan

In Karma The Price We Must Pay

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Birds and arboreal animals need every bush and tree
When their homes are destroyed by humans they must fight for a new territory
And if in securing new homes they are unsuccessful they become homeless and slowly die
I speak a fact of Nature and Nature does not lie.

The wildlife where trees are removed must search for homes elsewhere
Others they must try for to dispossess one reason wild creatures are becoming rare
Is that their habitat is being destroyed due to human financial greed
That the root cause of species extinction leads to human kind is so sad to say indeed.

Humans wage war on their own kind and war on Nature as well
How this will affect future generations of humans only time alone will tell
That what we do to Nature to our own selves we do is true
Since from her we will receive the Karma the Karma we are due.

Birds and arboreal animals need trees to live on and when their trees are cut away
They will have to fight for homes elsewhere since where they are they cannot stay
What goes around always comes around as some do like to say
And for our abuse of Nature in Karma the price we must pay.

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