In Memory Of Billie Holiday Poem by Tom Billsborough

In Memory Of Billie Holiday

Rating: 3.2

Lady Day, lady Day.
You will always take my breath away.
Your rich brown voice
Tears me apart with the power
Of its genuine anguish.
How I wish
I could write as you sang
But I have not suffered
The indignity of racial hate
Which was your fate
And of those strange fruit
You sang about.
Lady Day, Lady Day,
You will always take my breath away.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: tribute
Billie had a small range of notes but a great voice and a great heart.
Bri Edwards 11 April 2019

according to a movie i saw about her [Lady Sings The Blues, i believe, with singer Diana Ross playing the lead role] Billie also had a heroin habit. show business can be tough. bri ;)

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tom billsborough 11 April 2019

The Drugs Squad tried to arrest her on her death bed! I have her biography here and if there's anything you need to know, please send me a message. Great voice... Chaotic love life. And Billie was like that too!

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Norah Tunney 02 July 2017

A vey powerful poem Tom and yes with a fine economy of words. Deeply moved she sang from the depths of her soul with such raw passion.

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Norah Tunney 03 July 2017

Had a dog called Duende Tom I know exactly what you mean.

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Tom Billsborough 03 July 2017

It was a wonderful era for song with Sarah, Ella and the others but Billie was my favourite. She had a narrow range but her voice tears your heart out. The Spanish call it Duende. It's the ultimate compliment to an great artist.

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Daniel Brick 30 March 2016

Your prose sentence is a fine assessment of her artistry: other singers were technically more gifted but she was gifted in her ability to fully exploit what she was given. She takes us deep, then deeper into every song, revealing so much more than surface delights. I love the movement of your poem, circling back on itself and returning us to yours and ours breathless appreciation. And yes, GREAT HEART sums up the musician and the woman.

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Tom Billsborough 30 March 2016

Dear Daniel, I cry when I hear her voice and when I read her biography which I bought some years ago. The Spanish have a word duende which Garcia Lorca used to dscribe a great gypsy flamenco dancer. It means genuine heart and Billie has it too. In fact duende means poetry in its true sense.

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Fabrizio Frosini 30 March 2016

thanks for sharing this nice tribute to B. Holiday, Tom.

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Tom Billsborough 30 March 2016

Thank you, Fabrizio. It was written today just on the spur of the moment. Billie was a true heroine. Tom Billsborough

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Tom Billsborough

Tom Billsborough

Preston Lancashire England
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