In The Depths Of My Divine Self - the Fathomless Ocean... Poem by Mohammad Younus

In The Depths Of My Divine Self - the Fathomless Ocean...

In the depths of my divine self - the fathomless ocean...
...where attributes and being do coincide,
I pen these lines, heavy with wisdom,
Expressing my joy of finding you...
...beyond comparison with or in contrast to anything!
Overwhelming is the warmth of your musical embrace...
...leaving no space in me empty and desolate!
Filling up the void that I experienced before!
Everywhere your presence!

In the echoes of silence...
...I notice the existence of one-reality;
Each passing moment...
...a reminder anew, of your presence I listen;
Never absent in me or around!
My heart, a vessel, overflowing with honey sweet;
Overflowing with euphoria, no way I am missing you!
Like a phoenix bird with eternal wings... ecstasy's symphony my spirit sings:
I am immortal!
I am reality! I am the truth!
I am Absolute unity!

Yearning for satisfaction in the perpetual remembrance...
...the solace of your omnipresence, so enveloping I feel!
Without your all-time remembrance...
...the world seems to me colorless...
...and drained of light and music!
As I navigate the sights of your beautiful manifestation...
...Your laughter, your touch, your embrace my soul feels!

Lost in the depths of this heart-warming presence in one-reality...
...I cherish the sweet memory of my days in paradise;
No more now I want to tread...
...the labyrinthine streets and alleys of this mournful world;
Apprehension to lose the sight of omnipresence once more...
...leaves my soul sore;

So let the joy of knowing one-reality...
...flow out from my eyes!
Let my heart dance in ecstasy!
For in the manifestation of one-reality...
... spiritual peace and solace I find...
Because of being a staunch believer in one-reality.


In The Depths Of My Divine Self - 
the Fathomless Ocean...
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