In The Dreamland Prime Minister Goes To Parliament By His Wheelbarrow! Poem by nimal dunuhinga

In The Dreamland Prime Minister Goes To Parliament By His Wheelbarrow!

Idi Amin Dada, who became known as the 'Butcher of Uganda' for his brutal, despotic rule whilst president of Uganda in the 1970s, is possibly the most notorious of all Africa's post-independence dictators. Amin seized power in a military coup in 1971 and ruled over Uganda for 8 years. Estimates for the number of his opponents who were either killed, tortured, or imprisoned vary from 100,000 to half a million. He was ousted in 1979 by Ugandan nationalists, after which he fled into exile.

Date of birth: 1925, near Koboko, West Nile province, Uganda

Date of death: 16 August 2003, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

His name is Capitalist who wears a Socialist Top Hat!
And the Liberal Gaberdine suit underneath the Communist Red waiscoat.
The underwear is one hundred per cent cotton and never get nettle rash
Woven by a poor handloom human machine!
He speaks broken Suwahili and he climbs the steps to the Parliament in difficulty as nobody knows this sad thing,
One of his enlarged filarial testicle that comes out through the human netting underwear!
He loves the poor people and he never touches his big salary!

* A humble dedication to Idi Amin Dada!

nimal dunuhinga

nimal dunuhinga

kalubovila East, Sri Lanka
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