Is The Covishield Vaccination Made Of Snake Venom Poem by umaprosad das

Is The Covishield Vaccination Made Of Snake Venom

After being applied by the 2nd doze of the Covishield Vaccination
My wife started visions of raising hood snake-biting hallucinations
She became so much afraid of being bitten by the ferocious snake
That she jumped up with all her effort and might to keep herself safe
And she fell with great force, only giving us heavy shocks to grieve
We could not resist her scaring, convincing many ways from this drift
We are afraid if Covishield Vaccination prepared by the snake venom
As a result of which, my wife often got scared of snake-biting prone
However, I'm sure the cause of my wife's tremendous suffering and pain
Without food or breath, failures of different organs, an attack of her brain
Being motionless, speechless could not even recognize her dear ones
Finally died off untimely and departed in such conditions so gruesome
She left us crying and dying, making the self, air, and water poisonous
I curse stupid, rascal brains snatching away my wife's life, so precious
When Coronavirus could not harm some brains of satans killed my wife
Leaving my life shattered, like a fish out of water struggling to survive

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