It Is Not You Nationality Poem by Francis Duggan

It Is Not You Nationality

It is not your Nationality or the colour of your face
For the plain truth of the matter is there's good and bad in every race
'Tis the type of person you are that in the end does count
And little else about you to much does not amount.

You may be a renowned sports-person or you may be a billionaire
And in the World of high achievers people like you may seem rare
But if for others you lack in compassion whilst in pursuit of your own gain
The mark of what is greatness you cannot hope to attain.

In the bigger World out there in every City, Village and Town
There are millions of forgotten people who only can dream of renown
And their dreams even stolen from them on the neglected streets of despair
As they struggle on their life's journeys with their heavy crosses to bear.

It is your compassion for others and the love that you have in your heart
For people you meet on your life's journey that makes you a person apart
From others who are not as generous who to their higher selves cannot be true
You surely are someone quite special and credit in heaps you are due.

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