It’s A Privileged To Love You Poem by Daleen Enslinstrydom

It’s A Privileged To Love You

My husband, getting to know you
is to love you
but to understand you
is a total different thing.

To me you are sometimes very complex
and at other times very secretive
and almost like a pearl
and I need to peal away the layers
to find the hidden treasures of your heart.

You are pure mathematical
with everything worked out to the very core
and all things have got to make sense to you
and at times you are almost mechanical
with wheels and gears
that runs only in one direction.

You are geometrical
with everything in their place
and sometime you are terribly complicated
with your humanity being almost unsolvable
and you are condensed, set in your convictions
but through all of this
I do know that you do love me.

You are my soul-mate, my best friend,
and my confidant
and if I do think of it
everything is crystal clear

as love is the answer
and you are my lucky-charm,
my inspiration
and I realise that I do not need
to understand you
and it’s my privilege to love you.

Daleen Enslinstrydom

Daleen Enslinstrydom

Springs, South Africa
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