It's First Class All The Way Poem by Gary James Smith

It's First Class All The Way

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It's First Class All The Way

It's first class all the way
With my God and I
I'm seated in the heavenlies with Christ Jesus
Destined for the sweet bye and bye
And the joy and rejoicing in this heart
Is a esult of repentance of sin
And a saving faith is my blessed hope
For praise God I have trusted in Him

And now Hallelujah's from this tongue
They tell of a saving grace
For there is a Saviour who is ever present
If you would seek the Master's face
No building holds the rights to God
Brother and sister now hear it
God can be known just where you are
Through the work of the Holy Spirit

Have all your burdens got you down
You just don't know where to turn
There's a twenty four seven answering service
If to Jesus Christ you'll turn
Come on, admit it, you know you need Him
Isn't it high time that you pray
Book your flight for a first class ticket
Put your trust in Jesus Christ today!

I'm heaven bound for the Gloryland
I have loved one's awaiting for me
But I'm not in a hurry to get there though
Unless it's the will of God for me
For there are others thatwe must tell.
Until the day of our final breath
He is alive! He has Arisen!
And praise God He has defeated death!

Hallelujah what a Saviour!

Copyright October 2720193: 03 AM

Gary James Smith

Sunday, October 27, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: love
Gary James Smith

Gary James Smith

Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
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