It's Not The Way To Say You Love Me (Domestic Violence) Poem by Victoria Gauci

It's Not The Way To Say You Love Me (Domestic Violence)

When I opened up my eyes,
I was lying on the floor,
I had become your victim again,
I should've known there would be more,
I felt the bumps and bruises,
Blood coming from my lip,
Again you try and tell me,
That all I did was slip,
Somewhere along the way,
Your heart became a stone,
A weapon used to hurt the ones,
You say you love the most,
I don't deserve this pain you cause,
With strikes from fists that fly,
To wound my body and my soul,
Leaving marks around my eyes,
I see you as a form of evil,
A slayer of spirit and song,
A man among men you think you are,
You could never be more wrong,
The only way to overcome,
The despair and pain you make,
Is to pack my bags and leave you now,
A new life I need create,
I can cure this cycle of violence,
That you have used to keep me down,
By simply picking up the phone,
Gather my loved ones all around,
You are a person who uses violence,
To cause pain, abuse, control,
You need therapy, professional help,
I suggest you make the call.

As for me...I'm outta here!

Victoria Gauci

Victoria Gauci

Cleveland Ohio
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