It Seems As If Your Feelings Did Vanish (Sicilian Sonnet) Poem by Gert Strydom

It Seems As If Your Feelings Did Vanish (Sicilian Sonnet)

(after Alexander Sergeyevich Pus)

While I still sincerely love you at heart,
it seems as if your feelings did vanish
and from your life you did me now banish,
where you wanted us to remain apart,

while you did every opportunity thwart,
with your children acted very clannish,
one of them swore in Portuguese or Spanish,
in all of this did not seem to me smart

and I have experienced merciless fate.
I think life has become strangely dimmer,
see your behaviour as a kind of hate
in which a hidden fury does shimmer.
I pray you will be back before it's late,
while no hope does with any light glimmer.

[Reference: 'I've lived to see desire vanish' by Alexander Sergeyevich Pus.

Poet's note: I am quoting his poem here:

'I've lived to see desire vanish' by Alexander Sergeyevich Pus

'I've lived to see desire vanish,
With hope I've slowly come to part,
And I am left with only anguish,
The fruit of emptiness at heart.'

'Under the storms of merciless fate,
My worn and withered garland lies--
In sadness, lonesome, I await:
How far away is my demise? '

'Thus, conquered by a tardy frost,
Through gale's whistling and shimmer,
Late, on a naked limb exposed
A lonesome leaf is left to quiver! ... ']
© Gert Strydom

Gert Strydom

Gert Strydom

Johannesburg, South Africa
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