J.C. Come Back Poem by Lady Pattianna Urasz

J.C. Come Back

J. C. come back
The world is in an awful mess
Kids don't know how to dress
And they're running in the street.
Gangs trying to defeat
Joe, or Carlos, or Fred
Bang, bang, you're dead
Their mothers are wearing black.
J. C. come back!
We need you desperately.
People longing to be free
from hatred greed and crime.
Don't YOU think it's time?
It's been six thousand years
Filled with misery and tears.
How should we react?
J. C. come back.
Nations are at war
Satan's at our door
Tribe hunts tribe until it isn't anymore.
We are in a bad recession,
though some say that's the wrong expression,
More likely it's a deep depression.
Boy, are we off track.
J.C. Please come back!
Tornadoes and hurricanes blow at our door.
Rain storms and lightning like never before.
Ice on the tree tops, bending in two
Breaking the branches, to earth it threw.
The weather's not right, The sun is too bright.
The summer's too hot and too strong.
It's snowing quite heavy where it never snowed long.
J.C. come back here where you belong.
J.C. come back!
It's time for your Kingdom to bring.
Time for you to be king.
Time to get rid of this world
And a peaceful new earth unfurl.
Time for the dead to return from the grave.
There is a world of mankind yet you must save.
So, come Lord Jesus, return in your glory,
Generations to come will pass on this sad story.
J.C. come back!
Come Lord Jesus

by Lady Pattianna copyright 2009

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