Jamie Marie Poem by Alisha Malone

Jamie Marie

I don't understand how I'm supposed to be happy,
when all that mattered to me has gone.
out the door out of sight.
disappeared without a trace.

you were the one that i could talk to
the one i could confide in.
but now you've left,
gone to a better place.

'I'll dance on a cloud & make you a rainbow.'
those were the last words i heard you say

how am i supposed to be happy,
when you were the only one that mattered?
you said you'd die for me,
i didn't know you meant it literally.

everything I've ever wanted comes with a price,
nothing goes right in this place we call home.
since you've left i always feel so alone.

did you forget i existed,
did you even care?
does it feel better being where you are up there?

i miss you more then words could ever explain.
I'll see you again one day right?

we'll meet again someday,
in that beautiful grassy plain.
remembering the way we used to talk about heaven,
maybe you were an angel sent down to me to make it all clear,
'everything will be alright, there's no need to fear, god will take care of it all, just wipe your tears.'

i miss you Jamie Marie,
you made my life feel like a dream.
but only for a split second..

Maybe that's just part of the plan the lord has made for me.

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