Jim J Poem by Francis Duggan

Jim J

Rating: 5.0

Jim J he complains he is hard done by life
His once best mate young Michael makes love to his wife
She has filed for a divorce their marriage at an end
He trusted his wife and he trusted his friend.

He is in his mid twenties a man in his prime
And the ache in his heart it will be eased by time
But his shattered trust may be harder to repair
Life can be so hard and 'tis not always fair.

His wife Jane is pregnant with Michael's child for them both good news
But suppose for one to win someone else has to lose
She and Jim did not have children which increase his heart ache
Since the question of his manhood is also at stake.

The breakup of his marriage is hurtful to Jim
Since his wife loves his ex best mate more than she ever loved him
Life's not meant to be easy said George Bernard Shaw
And for love there was never any written law.

Jim he did love Jane and to her he was true
But from his heartache he'll recover as most people do
She did not love Jim and with him would not stay
It was her decision and she had her way.

Though life at times it would seem can be unfair
We all have some cross light or heavy to bear
And Jim will recover from love's throbbing pain
And happiness and love he will know again.

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