Judging A Person From Outer Look Poem by Anil Kumar Panda

Judging A Person From Outer Look

Rating: 5.0

Standing at a distance I look at
You and make my solid conclusion
A person you are with much ego and
Has a life of wealth and power and much fun

You are not what I think and
You have gone though much strife
You have scars in your heart and mind
That give you pain each moment of your life

I make the mistake of judging
You, taking a look of your outer look
May be someone doing the same to me
And feels cautious as I may be a boring crook

M. Asim Nehal 09 July 2023

We are too quick to judge someone in life, our judgemental attitude harms us only and not the other person. You have rightly pointed out this very common feature in every human. Full *****

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Rose Marie Juan-austin 08 July 2023

An interesting and well expressed poem that resonates with me. Yes, it is so easy to judge a person from outer look. However, if we have the opportunity to get to know a person, we may find him totally different .

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Sandra Feldman 08 July 2023

So very true! It takes a summer and a winter to really start getting to now someone. Very well illustrated in this poem, first impressions hardly ever right, Enjoyed.

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