Justice Blind Poem by Naveed Khalid

Justice Blind

I am not history's child,
Remember no dates or events,
Nor no King's subject am I.
I am but a child of two days old,
Who is slain with arrows & spears
And sold out for a few shillings
At the hands of a bunch of fools,
Who in their happiness more happiness seek;
When they drain my blood out of veins
ah, fill the cup, the wine of life to the last drop
of vintage, fix upon me their pains & miseries permanent,
That in their deliverance twice have I paid,
But for the sins I have never committed.
Hear out my case, me Lord, and adjourn the court.
You bear witness to thy high ministers,
And supreme most pen-prick'd angels,
Record the wrong-doings, say, order, order,
For I am the Judge and I am the Law:
Let all the glory be to my foes,
Yet can't they leave me to my woes? !

(C) Naveed Khalid

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Date Created: Tuesday, September 13,2011 1: 23: 55 AM

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