Kathie My Love, And I Poem by Robert Edgar Burns

Kathie My Love, And I

Rating: 2.8

Like the rising of the morning sun
Across the eastern sky,
Is each new day for love to bloom,
Between KATHIE my love, and I.

Her kisses warm and tender, .
My eyes drawn into her gaze.
Just above her where she is lying,
I float off in a rapturous daze.

My arms loosely wrapped around her.
I inhale her dainty scent.
I’m living up in the clouds now,
With my angel who’s Heaven sent.

I hear the breathing within the girl,
Whose warmth floods over me now.
I know I could not love her more,
She has it all so I wouldn’t know how1

When I awake I find it true,
Last night was not a dream.
It has become reality,
In the arms of my beautiful queen.

I grow accustomed to new light.
Night clouds have drifted away.
I find that I DO love her more,
Than even yesterday.

In Kathie I’ve found the sunrise.
In Kathie I find the stars.
In Kathie I found eternal love.
It’s hers, it’s mine, it’s Ours!

With a lover’s moon just above our heads,
And twinkles shooting from her eyes.
I hardly can contain myself
When love calls Kathie my love, and I.

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