James Bredin Poems

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Death With Dignity Please

If I die and I will and I don't know where or when or why,
And I can't do anything about it as I wait to say goodbye,
But it would be nice to arrange the whole dying affair,
Have death with dignity, even though religious groups don't dare.

Assisted Suicide

Why is death with dignity seldom mentioned in our land?
Is the mere mention of assisted suicide illegal and banned?
In Oregon, Washington and Switzerland; it’s already there,
So Canadian media or politicians should not scare.



Oil On Trains... Mar 6th,2014

It’s obvious we have a problem with large oil tanks on trains,
That either leak or explode if the train come off the tracks in flames,
These trains should be rerouted away from cities and towns,
So that our people and communities can feel safer all around.


Multiculturalism is government appeasement for them,
For fear that a majority might make a minority feel condemned,
It’s the ultimate form of political correctness and trend,
In case racism might raise its ugly head and we can’t defend.

Right To Die

I feel I should have the right to die when and where I want,
And disobey orders from the establishment commandant,
It doesn’t matter to me whether I go to heaven or hell,
What happens in this world is more important as you can tell.

Peace In Ireland And The Middle East

The Middle East is like Ireland in many many ways,
Each side totally committed to their own religious days,
Therefore in a way, it’s god that’s causing the problems over there,
One of the reason why their peace negotiations can go nowhere.

No Amendments Please

The Americans can make amendments to their Bill of Rights,
It seems to solve the problems of many political fights,
But Canadians have a problem in trying to change our Charter,
Written back around the time of President Jimmy Carter.

Euthanasia For You And Me

Heaven or hell, it doesn’t matter and they’re all the same to me,
It’s how I get through death’s door because I don’t have a key,
And before you get to either heaven or hell, you have to die,
And that could be painful and long and dreadful and I don’t know why.

We Need Death With Dignity

We need death with dignity regardless of our Supreme Court,
Isolated Santa Clauses tucked away in an Ottawa fort,
They allowed unborn babies to be aborted by the score,
But for Canadian adults death with dignity, they just shut the door.

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