Lake Superior Prayer Poem by Gary James Smith

Lake Superior Prayer


What oohs and awes of nature when beauty meets the eye,
The blueness of the water, the glory of the sky,
Winding roads of asphalt, the rocks along the way,
Fence posts used as guard rails to mark a dangerous way,

The rolling hills and valleys...what greenery supreme...
The maples, pines and birches, standing stately and serene,
Multi-coloured rock cliffs solid fortress of the forest,
Lupines waving in the wind, nature grand and glorious.

With pioneers pathways paved, we get to enjoy the ride.
It's hard to express those feelings that begin to well up inside.
Breath of fresh air aroma, mingling of rocks, trees and
What measurement can one possibly find, expressing that wondrous

The colours ever changing as seasons pass to next,
God could only arrange it so, in its true, context
In spite of vehicles passing at stretches where it's marked.
I cannot dismiss the awesomeness of the God of Noah's ark.

Each corner brings surprises, as to what might come our way,
A bear, a moose, porcupine, a deer or raccoon day.
Worst of all the scenery that highway traffic brings...
An accident with carnage, drops even sparrows wings.

Prayer becomes our practice in cases that are thus;
God be with the victims, in their suffering and loss.
As life would have its moments...we all have ups and downs...
We take it with a grain of salt, more smiles and less of frowns.

A great respect for truckers, who spend miles on the road,
Leaving home and family bringing their goods to unload,
Rest stops in their places, restaurants along the way
Give the weary traveler a place to eat and stay.

Tourists mixed with homies, international flavour,
Great hunting and great fishing spots, just what adventurers savour,
The shoreline beauty enhanced, by driftwood in the sand,
To walk and feel it between one's toes is a feeling that is grand.

Great lakes, great forests, great beauty, great gift from God above,
He gives us nature's wonder and covers it with His love.
How glorious is Salvation, the gift of God's own Son
That spilt His blood upon God's earth and has the victory won!

Sin stained the landscape of our lives and clouds the souls of men,
But Jesus breaks those bands of sin and gives him life again!
I've breathed the breath of nature, the gift of God of earth,
But to breathe the breath of the Spirit is truly second birth.

The landscape within, how wonderful! No tongue can err describe
What God has prepared in Heaven for His Church, the chosen Bride!
Peace beyond all understanding, peace to the maximum degree,
Peace, peace, sweet peace, my Saviour's given to me.

I can now enjoy His favour as Jesus lives within.
I'm not just a child of nature, for I've been born again.
Praise God for all the beauty, the rocks, the stars, the sea,
But greater still that wonderment...that Jesus lives in me!

Hallelujah, What a Saviour!
© Copyright Gary James Smith Oct 29,2007
Champion, Alberta Canada

Written dictating to my wife while driving Lake Superior route, north of Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario

Gary James Smith

Gary James Smith

Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
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