Le Petit Voyage Poem by Jane Cai

Le Petit Voyage

She was listening to the music
In the morning
In the train of tranquil

Her mind was flying with the music
Until some fresh fragrance
Attracted and embraced her

It’s an empty train
But he sat next to her
On the opposite glass
Showed her a gentle smile

This moment
She forgot the train was moving
Forgot the passenger around
Her eyes melted in the image on the glass

When he bent and fastened the shoelace
She raised her eyesight
Which touched his hair
His back and arms

More and more people got in
And sat on both sides of them
That made them closer
Until she felt the warmth of his body

She was touched
She was talking to him in mind
Asking for his name
Asking where he goes

Because she would leave the train very soon
She hoped he would get off at the same stop
She wandered they could share another walk in the station

But no one talked
Neither a real look to each other
Let alone the warmth and fragrance connecting both

She stood up
Passed by
But not fell into his arms

She has her job to do
She couldn’t sit next to him any longer
And enjoy the warmth

The train roaring away
But the fragrance
The smile and the warmth
Was stirring up in her heart

She walked into the office
With the music continuing in the ears
But different from usual
Today there’s a warm memory in her music world

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