Leave The Demon Weeping Poem by Vision Ghost

Leave The Demon Weeping

The second voice from within this caricature
That coveted and embraced me like a cancer
The personality of hate that left me so lonely
A world of regret from the anger and the fury

This cyst like no other that followed my steps
As I controlled it and it controlled false reps
Though the voice my own and my actions too
I hurt the innocent and turned this world blue

Slamming the fist down and I said no more
I want to breathe my own air, know for sure
That these words are my own and I am one
With this place that I live so far so undone

To retrieve to whom I loved and love still
Mend the broken heart of the one I so will
Always love forever within arms of warmth
Though forgiveness is not easy after wrath

I must destroy this layer, this killing of me
And release the true form and let this be free
Anger always vented but always so to blame
Another and another like it was a sick game

The past, to the future and the present as well
Must be undone from this curse and this hell
So my arms are of love and my heart is of truth
Ridding me of harms words so cruel, so uncouth

A small light glows deeply inside I can feel
That this destiny of me I must forever seal
And let that light sing for it is myself inside
That calls for my healing as this I cannot hide

I step forth to a new place, a wonder in me
To be taught a new way and so be set free
To love again and again and be loved again
To leave the demon weeping, ridding my pain

Vision Ghost

Vision Ghost

Epsom, East Surrey
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