Led Astray Poem by Practicing Poetess

Led Astray

Rating: 5.0

I still remember
A long ago time
When we had something special,
When you were once mine.
But you changed into something
That wasn't really you
You let corrupt companions
Wrongly influence you.
And, little by little,
You drifted away
'Til now, unrecognizable,
You've arrived at today.
Completely forsaking
'To thine own self be true'
Are you ever uncomfortable?
Do you miss the real you?
Can you sense that you detoured
From what's right and true?
Are there ever things
You wish you could undo?
I refuse to believe
You're content to remain
The distorted imitation
That you became.
The corrupt companions
Have since gone elsewhere.
But you still hide behind
That grotesque mask you wear.

(c) Practicing Poetess poetry
All rights reserved

Monday, December 16, 2019
Topic(s) of this poem: deception
Ray Hansell 24 December 2019

Every now again haven't we all worn a mask of some kind? I like this poen.

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Practicing Poetess 04 January 2020

Thank you, Ray. A sort of dark poem. Glad you liked it!

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Carl Roussell 17 December 2019

It seems that maybe at times the wearer does become the mask. Very good poem! A 10! !

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Practicing Poetess 17 December 2019

Thank you so much, Carl! I was having so much fun just relaxing and listening to Christmas music, but then I began reading the poems of other members, most of which were sad poems- - and then look at what I ended up writing! : -)

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